Foiling with liquid toner ink

Finally got a chance to play with my bottle of liquid toner ink. It came in a kit with a case for some included ink pads. That was a enormous fail. The pad let the liquid run all over and dried way to fast. Could not get a decent stamp image to foil. Pads went into the trash. Then I thought to use the new domed pads (that did not ink and sponge so well because they tore so easily). I attached the pad to a dauber then placed the pad securely on the opened top of the toner bottle and tipped it over. I then dabbed the stamp and used my Misti to ink the white text vellum. As long as I lightly pressed and removed quickly then re-applied ink and stamped till I had a good image, it worked. Sent that through laminator with a gold foil and got this result. If I left the stamp with toner on too long it stuck and wanted to tear. Everything, even the poly stamp and the domed sponge, cleaned with soap and water, so I think I will do this more often. I love the look of foiling but never had good results with other attempts.

For the frame layer, this was a piece I cut to use as a mask on the previous project and I really liked the splatter. Trimmed it down. Used a new sunflower stencil on top of the foiled image and sponged a medium gray then stamped the sentiment in a darker gray. Mounted that behind the frame and attached all to the white cs base for this 5×7 card.

Challenges I am sharing this with

Crafting Happiness: Outdoors

Crafty Catz: ATG

Pammie’s Inky Pinkies: ATG

20 thoughts on “Foiling with liquid toner ink”

  1. Beautiful card! I would not go through the steps you went through. That is why I sold my laminator and all of the foiling stuff. Glad you think the process you went through is worth it.

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  2. Wow, Bonnie, you are a card making scientist. I love your adventures into stamping and trying new techniques. Your card, the frame and background for your dragonfly is simply gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Absolutely GORGEOUS! I agree with Gayle that you’re a card making scientist. I so admire your adventurism with different techniques.


  4. This is really pretty. That splattered frame is perfect for it. So glad you were able to come up with a way to make it work for you. I’m looking forward to seeing what else you do with foiling.


  5. Wow. The color of the dragonfly makes the whole card pop. Nicely done. Thanks for sharing at Crafting Happiness Challenges. Hope you’ll link up again!
    🙂 Janis, Owner & Design Team

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  6. What a beautiful job you did with this oh-so-difficult technique! You got an amazingly clear image. A friend and I almost gave up but found out that Mod Podge worked great and much easier just making a puddle of it and dabbing a sponge into it and on to the stamp. Cost effective too. Beautiful work. I’m enjoying perusing your blog!

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