For the Men for The Sisterhood

The Sisterhood of Crafters Challenge  theme is


The image is from a stamp that was placed on white text vellum paper in black ink. I coated just the image with my finger dipped in Distress Micro Glaze. I then added blue distress oxide spray on my gel plate and took a press of this piece. The glaze created a resist for the color to not take on my image. I then colored the image with water colors. Added bg mountains with a stencil and soft gray ink on a stencil brush. Stamped the front greenery in black ink then added sponging with a sage color ink on stencil brush. Added splatters with the oxide spray by removing spray head and tapping it over piece. Even more splatters in black and silver water colors. Piece was mounted on blue strip that is on white cs base. My brother lives near Elk Mountain Wyoming and is an avid hunter and father/grandfather. He will love this one.

Get those creations of FOR THE MEN going and display them at

The Sisterhood of Crafters Challenge  

7 thoughts on “For the Men for The Sisterhood”

  1. This is just awesome and yes, he will love it FOR SURE!! I know I do! Thanks for sharing how it was created! I love hearing how different crafters come up with some really cool ideas such as this!! YOU GO GIRL!!!

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